Meet Obi P, Playful Pup of the Week
Nicknames: Big O, Obes, Noodleface, potato and fingertoes
What does Obi do that’s super cute: he LOVES to snuggle and always wants to sleep under the blankets. If he falls out from under the covers he nudges me until I lift them up so he can go back under.. he also howls with sirens when they go by.
What does Obi love: his mom!, his friends and family (including his playful paws family of course!) rolling around in sand, lounging in the sun, snuggling, belly rubs and eating cheese.
Favourite people: it’s so hard to choose when you love everyone! His mom, his auntie Amanda & Uncle Stephen, his aunts Kristy, Jessica, Ali & Sarah and his g-ma
Dislikes: being left alone, long drives in the car, goats, when it’s time to stop playing and sharing his humans.
Awww!! G Ma’s boy. Love this puppy. He’s not our itty bitty pitty any more but still just as sweet, cuddly and kind ❤️