Playful Paws prides itself on its educational daycare program.

We offer structured playtime, rest time and consistent learning. If your wanting a boost on your dogs learning experience while with us, we can help.

Our Play & Train daycare program is for dogs who have very busy Mom’s and Dad’s that can’t commit to a weekly class.

This program allows you to pick what “problem” you want us to tackle and for how long during their day you want them to work. We will take your dog to our quiet training area to work on teaching them new skills then return them to play with their friends. At the end of the day they go home tired and with detailed homework for them and their family to work on.
We will assist with such issues as basic commands, crate training, separation anxiety, nail trim training, muzzle training, loose leash walking and so many others.

Once the new skill is determined we will help you choose a training period that will work best for your dog and their daycare attendance. We would like you to remember that if you and your dogs do not do your homework, your success level drastically decreases.


*Prices do not include applicable taxes