Puppies – Please discuss the exact scheduling you will be following with your veterinarian as these are just an example of what can/should be done.
6 – 8 weeks old – Distemper & Parvovirus
10 – 12 weeks old – Distemper & Parvovirus Combo & Bordatella
12-16 weeks old – Distemper & Parvovirus Combo & Rabies
We can not accept any puppies under the age of 10 weeks for your puppies own safety. Their first two rounds of vaccines need to be administered for acceptance to daycare and classes.
Bordatella (Kennel Cough) – is required every 12 months for any dog attending daycare, grooming or classes.
*Proof of vaccinations can be faxed or emailed to us by your veterinarian for your convenience. *
*We recommend you speaking with your veterinarian regarding safe treatment of worms, fleas, and ticks. Please notify staff if you are on or recently administered medicines for these parasites.*
Adult Dogs – Once your dog has reached adult hood you and your veterinarian will decide which vaccinations are required and on what schedule.
Canine Distemper
Bordatella (Kennel Cough)
*Proof of vaccinations can be faxed or emailed to us from your veterinarian for your convenience. Once this is received we can book you in for your assessment.*
*As we are strong supporters of not over vaccinating our pets we do accept current titer tests from your veterinarian.*
Please be advised that we do not allow choke chains, pinch collars, or martingale collars to be worn during daycare attendance. Only flat clip collars or harnesses are permitted. If you do not own one, one can be borrowed for the day.
Martingale collars however, are permitted during any of our classes.