Meet Alvin, Playful Pup of the Week!
What is your dogs nick name(s)? Aloysious, stinker, stinker do-da, swoopy, tink tink

What does your dog do that is cute or unique?Alvin will hit/push your phone out of your hand with his nose or paw if you aren’t paying attention to him. He LOVES and will only play with sloth toys. He has 7 of the same toy. He would pull them off the shelf at winners/homesense. He loves laying in clothes baskets if he’s cold or wet.

What does your dog love Being with his people and walking around the lake! Peanut butter Kongs, liver treats, and bully sticks. Alvin loves being covered in blankets and getting scratches. Getting dried off with towels

Who are your dogs favorite people His mom Kelsey, dad Ben, aunt Hillary, grand parents Kelly and Rod.