Meet Larry S, Playful Pup of The Week
Larry’s nicknames are Lare Bear, Lergy, Lurguson, LD, L Boogie, Lergburg, Turgens, Larrold, Terry (when he’s bad), Gary (when he’s REALLY bad), Bubby, and Mr. Whiskers

When he wants to get in to our bed he puts his paws on the side of the mattress and stares at us. When he gets a new toy, he brings it to bed with him at night. He also loves to sun pig!
Loves: Peanut butter, watermelon, cheese, snoofing flowers, the sun, being chased, Playful Paws Daycare, barking at dogs larger than him (especially Berners), Toronto Raptors, and watching Beverly Hills 90210 Favourite People: Courtney and Pete (everyone else is scary to Larry)

Dislikes: Everything? He’s named after Larry David. Just like Larry David our Larry is very cranky and has a lot of problems with everything. Leaves on the ground, blenders, shadows, you name it and Larry has barked at it.

Hi Larry! 👋👋