Meet Obi P, Playful Pup of the Week

Nicknames: Big O, Obes, Noodleface, potato and fingertoes What does Obi do that’s super cute: he LOVES to snuggle and always wants to sleep under the blankets. If he falls out from under the covers he nudges me until I lift them up so he can go back under.. he also howls with sirens when…

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Meet Octavius, Playful Pup of the Week

Octavius, doesn’t really have a nick name, I sometimes call him pooper or Tav but more often it’s Octavius.  The thing I think is super cute is octavius loves hugs he will hug you back!  He will also bring you his leash if you’re late for walk time.  Octavius loves sticks balls and peanut butter…

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Meet Zoey R, Playful Pup of the Week

Zoey’s nicknames are Zo Zo, and Zoey-Ba-Bowie. She dislike’s it when she is tired. She will grab her stuff bunny and sleep on your lap or tuck herself into bed. Zo looooveess Food, Zoey loves her treats! Her mama and papa and Zoey’s favourite people. She hates the vacuum and push mower.

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Meet Tully D, Playful Pup of the Week

What are your dogs nick names? Tully girl, Tulster and Pup/ What does your dog do that super cute? All the things  What does your dog love? Food, People, Giving hugs, Swimming, Horse poop 🤷‍♀️ Who are your dogs favorite people? Everyone What does your dog dis like? Baby gates

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Meet Mopar T, Playful Pup of the Week

Mopar’s nick name’s are Mo and Mo bum. She is so cute when she tries to sneak up on the cat to cuddle with her.  Mo pretty much loves everything lol. But she really loves kitties, going for boats rides, all people and of course snuggles! Mo really loves her mom and dad. But she’s…

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