At Playful Paws, we are huge fans and endorsers of Canine Reiki.
We believe in it so much that all our daycare handlers are certified in level one or level two canine reiki to help maintain a healthy, happy, and balanced daycare environment. Playful Paws is home to two certified Canine Reiki Masters to help aid in your dog’s surgery recovery or just to maintain your dogs overall good health.
Just like in people, dogs can benefit from reiki treatments mentally, emotionally, and physically. Reiki can help alleviate sore or stiff muscles, increase blood flow, remove toxins from the body, calm aggression, alleviate stress and anxiety, or assist in trauma recovery.
Whether it be for a special gift, out of curiosity or for regular treatments, our Canine Reiki Masters are sure to make your dog feel very comfortable and relaxed in our tranquil on-site Reiki room.
*Prices do not include applicable taxes